Theologians Without Borders is Born Again
After years of gestation, Theologians Without Borders is about to be born again, fulfilling the original objectives, but under a new governance and management umbrella and a new Executive Director, Dr Ian Payne. The landing page for the new site will be:...
Theologians Without Borders is Transformed into LeaDev-Langham
This letter that was written and sent to many explains the transformation of Theologians Without Borders and provides the links and contact addresses for LeaDev Langham.Warmest greetings to you!Changes AfootI write to inform you of the exciting change—that Theologians...
TWB News by Email
Change of MethodI am no longer announcing requests for teachers or mentioning ‘Expressions of Interest’ by public blog posts.Instead I am sending regular newsletters by email including ‘Macedonian Calls’ and teaching opportunities.While this may look like a reversion...