by Geoff Pound | May 31, 2008 | Uncategorized |
This is another article in the creative things happening in theological education series.It is interesting to see how many seminaries have restructured into ‘streams’ and ‘centres’ that offer courses, provide resources and special study emphases.Creating Streams and...
by Geoff Pound | May 31, 2008 | Uncategorized |
Earlier I posted an article on the proposed visit of the seminary in Santiago, Chile, that was going on mission together. I have just received this email update from Prof. Josue Fonseca and I am posting it for your interest and prayers:Geoff,Greetings from the...
by Geoff Pound | May 30, 2008 | Uncategorized |
Here is another offering in the creativity in theological education series.Introducing Tim BulkeleyTim Bulkeley teaches at Carey College and the Tyndale-Carey Graduate School in Auckland, New Zealand. Among his many pursuits Tim is a prolific blogger, the driving...
by Geoff Pound | May 29, 2008 | Uncategorized |
Colourful CVRowland Croucher has a long and distinguished record as a pastor, consultant, coach, counselor, teacher, web site minister, blogger and founder and director of John Mark Ministries. Many of you will have known Rowland through his resourceful web site,...
by Geoff Pound | May 29, 2008 | Uncategorized |
Because of the devastation and electricity cuts in Myanmar it has been difficult to get information from this cyclone- ravaged country. We are grateful to WCC Media for this article:Amongst the widespread devastation disseminated by Cyclone Nargis, Myanmar theological...