by Geoff Pound | Sep 30, 2007 | Uncategorized |
There is a new opportunity for a person (preferably with a small team) to go to South India.This would be a 1-2 week (there is flexibility) visit of encouragement in word and deed.The request is for someone/s to go in December but there is flexibility on...
by Geoff Pound | Sep 29, 2007 | Uncategorized |
On this site there are numerous postings about international needs and opportunities for teachers and speakers.There are also some enduring documents in the archives to which I want to draw your attention.These will be of special help to newcomers to the TWB...
by Geoff Pound | Sep 27, 2007 | Uncategorized |
An opportunity is emerging for volunteer teachers (food and lodging provided) in a seminary in Africa’s Sierra Leone.The needs are many but the urgent priorities include these subjects:* Christian Education* Missions* Leadership TrainingThese are short-term...
by Geoff Pound | Sep 22, 2007 | Uncategorized |
An Old Testament/Hebrew Bible specialist has a sabbatical in the first part of next year (2008) and is exploring the possibility of spending some of this time teaching in another country.If you are stationed in a seminary and have a need for an Old Testament teacher...
by Geoff Pound | Sep 22, 2007 | Uncategorized |
A request has come from a seminary in Myanmar/Burma for somebody to teach in the broad area of Mission, Church Planting, Christian Leadership and Church Administration. Also some preaching would be appreciated.There are no minimum academic requirements insisted upon...