by Geoff Pound | Jun 21, 2008 | Uncategorized |
George Wieland, New Testament lecturer from Carey Baptist College, New Zealand, shared in an earlier article on his experience as a Theologian Without Borders.In this posting he shares an idea on bringing together academy and church, blending teaching, resourcing and...
by Geoff Pound | Jun 21, 2008 | Uncategorized |
Projectors, SoftwareKeith Dyer, Whitley College says:“We now have data projectors in the ceiling of each main classroom at Whitley (and accompanying sound systems), so we are working on using PowerPoint (or the superior Apple Keynote software) for more than just...
by Geoff Pound | Jun 21, 2008 | Uncategorized |
Jim Wallis spoke of the seminary that started in a prison.Miyon Chung has written of Torch Trinity Graduate School, beginning a new program for CEOs and professionals in their middle age wanting to have a crack at a theology degree and get equipped for a new ministry...
by Geoff Pound | Jun 21, 2008 | Uncategorized |
A recent post involving Jim Wallis reported the establishment of a seminary in a prison.Here is an article on the way a seminary has created an entirely new clientele.Miyon Chung, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at Torch Trinity Graduate School in Seoul,...
by Geoff Pound | Jun 21, 2008 | Uncategorized |
With staffing costs often consuming 50-85% of the seminary budget one would think that this area calls for lots of creativity.TWBPart of the vision of Theologians Without Borders is to provide volunteer teachers who will work, usually for a short term, at no charge,...