A recent post involving Jim Wallis reported the establishment of a seminary in a prison.
Here is an article on the way a seminary has created an entirely new clientele.
Miyon Chung, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at Torch Trinity Graduate School in Seoul, Korea, describes the way her seminary has changed gears to provide training for new groups of people:
A special programme has been created by Torch Seminary for CEOs.
* On Tuesday, March 8th 2008, the Christian CEO Program debuted at Torch Trinity with a dinner and an address from the President of the Seminary. Approximately 130 professionals registered and many had to be turned away because of a lack of space.
* The Christian CEO Program challenges executives to think theologically and biblically about management, business and personal development.
* The Christian CEO Program will last throughout the semester with weekly meetings on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings. Several open-classroom trips are also scheduled during the term. The participants will get an opportunity to reassess their successful careers and their professional passions from a Christian perspective.
Miyon Chung says of Torch:
* We offer Master of Divinity studies to professionals who are mostly between their mid 40s to 65 years of age. We have just graduated a man who is over 70!
* These are men and woman who often are highly successful in their career and are looking for “meaningful” work after retirement.
* Our president challenges them and many want to take an early retirement, go abroad (missions) or work with Christian NGOs.
* Because they are already well educated they like the challenge of learning Greek, Hebrew and other subjects in a Master of Divinity.
* Classes for this group of people are offered on two evenings and all day Saturday.
* To make it even more attractive we get some of the most respected professors to teach special electives.
* People in this course are not only excellent students but they are proving to be able ministers and a good source of scholarship for students!
Any new student groups you have helped create?
Dr Geoff Pound
Image: Torch Trinity Graduate school with the CEO welcome banner in front.