Change of Method
I am no longer announcing requests for teachers or mentioning ‘Expressions of Interest’ by public blog posts.
Instead I am sending regular newsletters by email including ‘Macedonian Calls’ and teaching opportunities.
While this may look like a reversion from the newer (circa 1997) web log technology to the ancient (circa 1969) practice of electronic mail, the change is made to better target the information and to safeguard privacy.
Ramping Up
This change in no way represents a scaling down of operations as the more direct approach to your Inbox will hopefully ramp up activities and lead to more personal one-to-one conversations.
Broader Base—Greater Reach
While Theologians Without Borders was born (2006) and grew under the auspices of the Baptist World Alliance, it is well and truly interdenominational in character and ecumenical in spirit.
TWB serves seminaries and challenges teachers to volunteer from many different branches of the Christian church.
Staying Alive
This Theologians Without Borders blog will remain alive to serve as an archive of information, opportunities and ideas about theological education.
* To become acquainted with Theologians Without Borders follow these links to read some basic information in English, Spanish, French, German, Bahasa, Tagalog, Portuguese and Italian. For other languages try Google Translate.
* Let me know if your seminary, school or Convention has a need for a teacher or trainer and I will get the word out.
* Register your interest (without commitment) in serving as a theological teacher or trainer in a short term international assignment by sending to me your CV, a digital photo, a completed Expression of Interest form and the email addresses of two referees.
* Write to me if you would like to be added to the Theologians Without Borders mailing list. My address is geoffpound(at)
Dr Geoff Pound
Coordinator of Theologians Without Borders.