I am greatly appreciative of some feedback that I don’t want to get buried in the Comments section of a recent posting.

Readers of this web site may recall an article by medico Alex Tang who has seen the value of problem based learning with medical students and he asked, “I wonder whether any seminary is using Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a pedagogy. I know medical education has been changed in a big way by PBL.”

ME has responded today with this comment:

“One of the best implementations of problem-based learning I’ve seen in theological education is “Into the New Testament” a problem-based tool for teaching exegetical skills.”

I note that this resource has been developed by Mary Hinkle Shore, associate professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary. Mary developed this online workbook for use in her classes. It is hosted and supported by her school at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA.

This looks fantastic. Check it out. I’d love to hear from students and others who give this resource a go.

Thanks for the comment and thank you Mary for your creativity. So grateful!

Dr. Geoff Pound

Image: “Into the New Testament.”