One of the Bible Schools in Thailand where several have visited over the years is looking for teachers who might assist them in their teaching programme.

While I have asked about pressing needs in the way of subjects that they would like taught, they prefer to work in a different way, asking who might be available and what subjects are they passionate about teaching.

The next academic year starts on June 7, 2009.

If you have two weeks (or more) to teach an intensive course in this next semester, this would be a very great gift to a school that lacks money but is rich in many other ways.

Do send me an email at geoffpound[@] if you would like more information or would like to register an interest.

For Newcomers to Theologians Without Borders
A general introduction to Theologians Without Borders is offered in several languages at these links:
Theologians Without Borders
Teólogos Sin Fronteras
Théologiens Sans Frontières
Theologen Ohne Grenzen
Ahli Teologi Tanpa Sempadan
Ang mga Dalubhasa sa Salita ng Diyos na Walang Hangganan
Teólogos Sem Fronteiras
Teologi Senza Frontiere

If you can translate this statement into your language I would be keen to add it to this list.

Interested in Serving With TWB?
A good place to start (without making a commitment) is to adapt this Expression of Interest and send your information with a digital photo to me.

Dr Geoff Pound
Coordinator, Theologians Without Borders
Contact me on email at geoffpound[@] or on Facebook.

Image: Time for a break between classes at this Bible School in Thailand.