Old Testament Teacher

A statement and invitation has already been posted on this site requesting an Old Testament teacher.

There has been some interest and enquiries but nothing definite. This call is therefore being sounded again!

The need is urgent and the dates are looming fast.

Please circulate this need among the OT teachers in your networks.

New Call: NT Teacher
The Colombo seminary in Sri Lanka is also requesting today a New Testament teacher.

There is some flexibility in terms of the theme of the course. It could well be the Gospels or Pauline texts and theology.

There is also some flexibility in regard to dates for this intensive.

The earliest starting date is the 11 January and the latest starting date is the 22 February 2008.

The preferred dates are 1-9 February 2008.

Lecturers are expected to be at the seminary in Colombo for at least nine days (although only expected to teach on five days).

More information about the structure of the course and the level are available from me at geoffpound[at]yahoo.com.au

Please let NT teachers know about this request through your networks.

Geoff Pound

Image: Colombo—the skyline of the Fort area with the high towers of the World Trade Centre.