In addition to teachers going to other countries to teach courses and speakers to share in conferences, there are people who have heeded the call for a consultant, librarians who have gone to share expertise in a seminary library and provide training to librarians and people who have helped with finances and maintenance.
Litha Heshusius is an Indonesian/Australian pastor (based in Melbourne) who has responded to a special request for help in a Women’s Conference in Bali from 2-5 September 2008.
The primary request is to act as an interpreter for the multilingual conference but Litha is serving in other capacities as well.
There will be more than 800 people attending the conference which is sponsored by the Indonesian Baptist Churches. They are women (primarily Baptist) from 22 Indonesian provinces, including some delegates from Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Australia and the USA.
Do keep Litha and the other speakers and organizers in your prayers for this significant conference.
Without blurring the focus of Theologians Without Borders, it is interesting to see the various ways that partnerships in theological education and training are emerging.
Dr Geoff Pound
Image: Pastor Litha Heshusius, Melbourne Australia.