Discovering Your Deep Gladness
The most Googled quote that brings people to my new online workbook—Making Life Decisions: Journey in Discernment—is the statement by Frederick Buechner in which he says, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Here is the link to his reflection.
Deep Gladness/Deep Hunger
Theologians Without Borders has started in a small way but it is already proving to be a movement and a vital intersection where deep gladness and deep hunger is meeting.
Enormous needs for help in theological education are being expressed by leaders in a Karen Refugee camp in Thailand, a Bible institute in Vietnam, a seminary in North East India, to name just a few.
Going to serve in such situations for different periods of time has been evoking wonderful expressions of gladness—the joy of serving where the needs are great, the stimulus to their faith in worshipping with new friends often in difficult places and some unexpected challenges to they way they teach. Read the stories by George, Keith and Tim.
Virtual Megaphone
TWB is a way of putting up a virtual megaphone to the lips of people who are saying, “Come over and help us!”
Add TWB to your Seminary Offerings
If you have a week or more (timing is often flexible) to offer an intensive, this could be a fantastic gift. If you teach in a seminary, why don’t you come with some of your students and turn it into a Missions Exposure in which your students can also gain credit towards their degree?
Multiply the Experiences
If you are a pastor like Russell from Melbourne, consider the benefits of crossing new borders with some people from your church.
Moving Forward
* Have a look at the type of people needed and if you discern a match, fill out the ‘Expression of Interest’ template by adapting it to your situation and send it to me as a way of getting going (without any commitment at this stage). If this is not your cup of tea, you or your group might sponsor someone who does fit the bill.
* Tell your colleagues, students and church members about TWB (give them this link) and the way that their participation might both address the world’s deep hunger and meet their deep gladness. Feel free to reproduce (just acknowledge the source) this summary of TWB in your seminary or church magazines and newspapers. Here is another statement you may wish to use.
* Bookmark this site as a ‘favorite’ and subscribe to these postings.
* Make TWB a link on your seminary and church web sites as well as on your own personal site.
Dr Geoff Pound
(Chair, Coordinating Committee of TWB, a ministry of the BWA)
Contact address:
Image: “TWB is a way of putting up a virtual megaphone to the lips of people who are saying, ‘Come over and help us!’”