I have received a letter from the President of a Seminary in Myanmar where his family and the student community are standing in the need of prayer.
He says:
“I’m sure that you have heard about the serious health problems in Myanmar, especially the ‘Swine flu’. In my town the situation is rather serious.”
“Our family is also facing the same problem and my younger son has been down with diarrhea and vomiting and had to be admitted to hospital. The medical expenses cost us about US $200 which we had to borrow. Please pray for us so that I may be able to repay the borrowed amounts.”
Student Community
“We have about 51 students this year in our seminary and about 10 of them have been ill in turns. As they can’t afford the proper medical treatment and so can’t I, we have to do with simple cheap treatments since the financial situation of the students is very poor and we ourselves can’t afford to help them. The students are very down hearted. We earnestly pray for a ‘students’ security fund’ of about US$500, from which the students can loan and repay back when facing medical difficulties due to ill health. This fund will be for the long run. Please pray that we may succeed in obtaining this fund for the students.”
“Please continue to pray for our students so that they may recover soon and join the classes.”
For First Time Readers of TWB or a Refresher
A general introduction to Theologians Without Borders is offered in several languages at these links:
Theologians Without Borders
Teólogos Sin Fronteras
Théologiens Sans Frontières
Theologen Ohne Grenzen
Ahli Teologi Tanpa Sempadan
Ang mga Dalubhasa sa Salita ng Diyos na Walang Hangganan
Teólogos Sem Fronteiras
Teologi Senza Frontiere
If you can translate this statement into your language I would be keen to add it to this list.
Interested in Serving With TWB?
A good place to start (without making a commitment) is to adapt this Expression of Interest and send your information with a digital photo to me.
Dr Geoff Pound
Coordinator, Theologians Without Borders
Contact me on email at geoffpound[@]gmail.com or on Facebook or Twitter.
Image: “Please continue to pray for our students…”