Jim Wallis writes today (19 June 2008) on his blog, God’s Politics, about a very special privilege that was his recently:
“Last Wednesday evening, June 11, I was blessed and honored to give the commencement address at Sing Sing Prison. The New York Theological Seminary offers a program of theological study leading to the degree of Masters of Professional Studies, with all courses taking place inside the walls of the Sing Sing Correctional Facility in Ossining, New York. In twenty-six years this extraordinary and courageous seminary training program has graduated hundreds who then go on to ministry, both inside the prison system of New York and back in the community when their sentences are finished.”
“I have often told the story of the first time I visited this unusual and inspiring program at Sing Sing. My book, The Soul of Politics, was being read by the students as part of their seminary curriculum, and…
Here is the link to read the rest of this inspiring article.
Ever thought you might explore the possibility of starting a branch of your seminary in the local prison? There’s been a lot of good theology written behind bars over the years and centuries!
Think of the scores of students who might enrol in your courses on ‘Freedom and Hope’, ‘Liberation Theology’, ‘Free Worship’ and ‘The Prison Epistles’.
Dr Geoff Pound
Credit: Thanks to Jim Wallis for the posting of this snippet from his article.
Image: Jim Wallis, feeling very much at home (and with a prison haircut) in Sing Sing. No, this is a photo of Jim speaking at a Harvard forum. GP.