Teacher Required
A seminary in Sri Lanka has had a cancellation by a teacher of a course promised to students and is urgently needing a replacement for its MA programme in November 2009.

If you could teach a course in Hermeneutics at a Masters level that would be terrific.

Another possibility for them could be to delay the offering of the hermeneutics course and offer a Synoptic Gospel course if anyone is free to assist.

The course is scheduled to be taught over 10 days.

Preferred dates are 13-21 November 2009. There is some flexibility. A week earlier could be a goer but not a week later.

Next Step
Please let me know if you are qualified and interested in undertaking this Sri Lankan assignment and I will put you in touch with the Academic Dean.

If you are not qualified or qualified but unable to go, would you please assist by forwarding the link to this post to colleagues who may be able to teach.

For First Time Readers of TWB or a Refresher
A general introduction to Theologians Without Borders is offered in several languages at these links:
Theologians Without Borders
Teólogos Sin Fronteras
Théologiens Sans Frontières
Theologen Ohne Grenzen
Ahli Teologi Tanpa Sempadan
Ang mga Dalubhasa sa Salita ng Diyos na Walang Hangganan
Teólogos Sem Fronteiras
Teologi Senza Frontiere

If you can translate this statement into your language I would be keen to add it to this list.

Interested in Serving With TWB?
A good place to start (without making a commitment) is to adapt this Expression of Interest and send your information with a digital photo to me.

Dr Geoff Pound

Coordinator, Theologians Without Borders

Contact me on email at geoffpound[@]gmail.com or on Facebook or Twitter.

Image: “If you could teach a course in Hermeneutics…”