In reflecting on his journey as a theological teacher Paul Dekar writes about cross-cultural teaching and immersion experiences:
“We gained confidence that finding our truest self does not lead us away from the world, but to purposeful ways to love and serve God in the world. We struggled to relate to the global context.”
“I encouraged students to explore the wisdom that those who have lived in many places are not likely to be deceived by the local errors of one’s native village. Quoting an East African proverb, ‘One who has never traveled thinks mother is the only cook,’ I instituted cross-cultural learning experiences.”
“In late 1986 I facilitated an immersion course that became a staple of my teaching. At McMaster, I led groups to India, Bolivia, aboriginal communities in Ontario and Nunavut, and in Toronto with refugees. At Memphis Theological Seminary, I have continued to offer such courses, leading students in Cameroon, Trinidad, urban Memphis, and aboriginal communities in Oklahoma and Nunavut.” (68-69)
To read the entire article, follow this link:
Paul Dekar, ‘Teaching Evangelism in a Community of Learning’, Journal of the Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education, Volume Twenty-Two, 2006-2007, 64-84.
From the Same Stream:
Paul Dekar, How Thomas Merton Shaped my Teaching, TWB
Variations on the Theme:
Paul Dekar said that, “finding our truest self does not lead us away from the world, but to purposeful ways to love and serve God in the world.”
Here are some stories on this theme:
Tim Russert on Vocation, Stories for Speakers and Writers (SFSAW)
Tim Russert on Lifting Others Up, SFSAW
Amnesty International’s Influence on J K Rowling, SFSAW
Muhammad Yunus on Changing the World, SFSAW
Muhammad Yunus on Poverty, SFSAW
Desmond Tutu: Peace by Ending Poverty, SFSAW
Martin Luther King Jnr on Work and Vocation, SFSAW
Benazir Bhutto on Why I Do What I Have to Do, SFSAW
Elie Wiesel on Indifference, SFSAW
Eugene Peterson on James Joyce and the Magic of the Ordinary, SFSAW
Kent Nerburn on the Value of Travel, SFSAW
Greg Mortensen: What Motivates me to do this? SFSAW
Edmund Hillary on His Most Worthwhile Things in Life, SFSAW
The Lesson of Three Cups of Tea: Greg Mortensen, SFSAW
Holy Earthiness: Henri Nouwen Meets Thomas Merton, SFSAW
Are you baptizing your students in different cultures and if so by a sprinkling or a total immersion?
Dr Geoff Pound
Image: “that finding our truest self does not lead us away from the world, but to purposeful ways to love and serve God in the world.”
Historically, Christians have often done a bad job respecting other traditions, so this sounds refreshing.