Papua Possibility
Here’s something different.

Harry is from Jakarta, involved with Indonesian Baptists, trained in Management Information and employed by Media Investment in Papua. He writes on a web site called Invest Papua.

Harry asks for the assistance of a person or small team that might help in teaching, training, encouraging people in empowerment, fostering their enthusiasm to establish agricultural and craft projects that might give people dignity, help them to become self-sufficient and assist others.

If you have time and the gifts, there would also be opportunities for leadership training and classes in the seminary.

This depends on your time available and having the money to travel but it could involve time in the capital city (Jayapura) and then in one or two remote areas (highland, island or beach).

Suggested Time
The first suggested time is somewhere after Eid al Fitr (Muslim holiday) 21 September until December 2009. But if you need greater time to plan and arrange for your visit that’s fine.

Do let me know if you would like more information.

Other Opportunities through TWB
Do keep a close watch on this site for requests for help and let other suitable qualified people know of the opportunities of service.

For First Time Readers of TWB or a Refresher
A general introduction to Theologians Without Borders is offered in several languages at these links:
Theologians Without Borders
Teólogos Sin Fronteras
Théologiens Sans Frontières
Theologen Ohne Grenzen
Ahli Teologi Tanpa Sempadan
Ang mga Dalubhasa sa Salita ng Diyos na Walang Hangganan
Teólogos Sem Fronteiras
Teologi Senza Frontiere

If you can translate this statement into your language I would be keen to add it to this list.

Interested in Serving With TWB?
A good place to start (without making a commitment) is to adapt this Expression of Interest and send your information with a digital photo to me.

Dr Geoff Pound
Coordinator, Theologians Without Borders

Contact me on email at geoffpound[@] or on Facebook or Twitter.

Image: Glimpses of Papua (province of Indonesia), formerly Dutch New Guinea, West Irian and Irian Jaya.