As an evangelical theological educational institution in the West the benefits of partnering with TWB include:
*intentionally addressing global imbalances in theological education in a way that can be publicized to stakeholders. You’ll be helping build the capacity of significant MW theological institutions.
*intentionally offering to faculty professional development opportunities that will build their global awareness, and ability to empathize with MW Christians, that will enrich them through exposure to the vitality of MW Christians, and enhance their ability to ‘think outside the box,’ especially with contextualization and application of the Word in our changing world contexts. Your faculty will come back invigorated and more credible global Christians.
*demonstrably fulfilling accreditation standards regarding ‘global awareness and engagement.’ For instance, the American Theological Schools Standards of Accreditation document reads—
E2.3—“The institution shall demonstrate how the program is attentive to global awareness and engagement as well as local settings in its educational design and delivery systems, including its efforts to form a community of learners.”
E 3.3 Characteristics of Theological Scholarship
3.3.4 Global awareness and engagement Theological teaching, learning, and research require patterns of institutional and educational practice that contribute to an awareness and appreciation of global interconnectedness and interdependence, particularly as they relate to the mission of the church. These patterns are intended to enhance the ways institutions participate in the ecumenical, dialogical, evangelistic, and justice efforts of the church. Global awareness and engagement is cultivated by curricular attention to cross-cultural issues as well as by the study of other major religions; by opportunities for cross-cultural experiences; by the composition of the faculty, governing board, and student body; by professional development of faculty members; and by the design of community activities and worship. Schools shall demonstrate practices of teaching, learning, and research (comprehensively understood as theological scholarship) that encourage global awareness and responsiveness.
*being able to receive TWB advice regarding identifying TWB recommended MW scholars to visit and teach at your institution, with terms and conditions that don’t do more damage than good in the MW. It is sometimes hard for a Westerner to be confident that a particular MW scholar is a credible representative of evangelical and contextual scholarship. Notoriety is not always a good guide.
*increasing your institution’s global influence and being enriched by the experience.